How it all started...
In 2014, after returning from the mission field in East Asia, Pastor Brian and his family sought the direction and wisdom of the Lord in planting a church in Citrus County. In God's providence, with the support of the Nature Coast Baptist Convention, Christ Community Church began in the living room, with 12 people, at the Corcoran House. In January of 2015, the first public worship service was held at a small church building in Lecanto where we stayed for four months. Shortly following, in June 2015, CCC began meeting in Lecanto High School Cafeteria for the next five years until COVID.

Expanding the vision...
After purchasing 20 acres on Highway 491 near the Lecanto Educational Complex, we transitioned into outdoor meetings for three months in the summer of 2020. Under the gracious hand of the Lord, we built a pavilion where we were housed for the next three years. During this time God has grown us deeper and wider. We are learning to trust in the Lord, not places or things. Praise the Lord that He gave us two full-time Associate Pastors: Robert Vitter and Ben Gavrun.

Where we are headed...
On November 26, 2023 we moved into our new sanctuary (multi-purpose building), celebrating the good provision of the Lord. We have also sent our first missionary family overseas. The Vitter family is serving in Italy through church planting and evangelism. The future is in the hands of our sovereign God. We are seeking Him (Prov. 3:5-6) and striving to walk in His Spirit (Gal. 5:16, 25) according to His Word (John 17:17).

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather for Sunday School at 9:00am and worship together at 10:15am.